Since splitting from the Indian peninsula 88 million years ago, the island country of Madagascar has developed a rich biodiversity and culture. However, it ranks 185th out of 190 countries worldwide in access to electricity.
While major political instability ended in 2013 and led to the rise of electrification rates, rural access remains low at 4%. Meanwhile, 53% of people don’t have access to clean water. For Malagasy communities to thrive, increased access to energy and clean drinking water will be crucial.
About the project:
As part of the dena Renewable Energy Solutions Programme, Autarsys is commissioning two hybrid solar and storage renewable energy systems in the villages of Befandriana and Tanandava in the southwest region of Atsimo-Andrefana. Both villages have a vibrant community life including 7 schools, 2 medical cementers, and several religious centers, businesses, and government institutions.

Depending on upcoming needs assessments, the systems will also pro vide a solar-powered solution of desalination by reverse osmosis or ultra-filtration – expanding access to affordable drinking water to the local communities of 16,500 residents.
Tanandava is an agricultural center surrounded by rice fields. The Ministry of Agriculture has a local administrative presence and plans to expand farmlands and the irrigation system. Renewable energy will be powered through a 60 kW peak solar plant, 248 kWh capacity with a 60 kVA inverter.
Befandriana is a historically significant village, having once been the regional capital. It will have a 40 kW peak solar plant, 124 kWh capacity with a 30 kVA inverter.
Power is currently only generated through several inefficient and privately-held diesel generators – the Autarsys hybrid mini-grids will improve access to clean water and provide 24/7 access to electricity.
Autarsys anticipates that its renewable energy systems in Madagascar will not only offset carbon emissions and improve access to the essential resource of water, but they will catalyze social and economic benefits felt throughout the communities.
Supporting the project:
If you would like to bring power to these communities by helping us close the financing gap for the villages, either email info@autarsys.com or sign up here for information about our upcoming crowd investment campaign.
Date: 2018-2019 | Country: Madagascar | 60/30 kW Inverter | 248/128 kWh Battery storage